Calcium carbonate is only one of the many compounds used in making calcium supplements. Calcium carbonate is an alkaline-based salt. That is why it is known to control acidity in the stomach. It also requires an acidic environment to get absorbed, and therefore recommended by doctors to be taken after meals.
It has been found recently that coral calcium is the most effective calcium carbonate source. This salt is obtained from fossilized coral reefs above sea level. It is pure, refined and contains many other minerals in addition to adequate amounts of calcium. It is good for health because it not only helps in overcoming calcium deficiency but also treats many illnesses including depression, obesity, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.
This calcium carbonate source is now used in making high-quality calcium supplements. Coral calcium harvested from the island of Okinawa in Japan has been found to be the most beneficial form of this salt in terms of improving health and preventing many degenerative diseases. Japanese people who drink water containing coral calcium are at reduced risk of developing coronary heart disease and many types of cancer.
You can now buy these supplements easily as they are available at many online stores. Recommended dosage of any calcium carbonate source is 2 to 3 tablets a day after every meal. These tablets help in proper digestion of food and are easily absorbed by the bloodstream. People who are deficient of calcium are especially advised to increase their calcium intake through diet as well as calcium tablets.
An average healthy man should consume up to 1200 mg of calcium daily. Post menopausal women are at high risk of developing osteoporosis or bone disease, and therefore they should consume at least 1500 mg of calcium daily. At this age it is not possible to receive this amount solely from food. Calcium supplements are very useful in these situations and they should also be used by people who are allergic to milk and other dairy products.
Liquid coral calcium supplements are also available on the market. They are ideal to be used by elderly people and children under the age of 10. In addition to being a rich calcium carbonate source, these supplements also contain vitamin D, K2 and certain other minerals like magnesium, sodium and potassium. These minerals are important for overall health and also help in calcium absorption.
You can buy Calcium Carbonate here
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