Thursday, June 12, 2008

Fat Burning Diet Pills

Accumulation of excess fat is not good for health. It prepares background for various health risks. Health risks such as diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure are some direct outcomes of excess fat. Even chances of heart attacks and heart strokes are high among obese people. These health anomalies have led many people to turn their head to fat burning diet pills. The prime function of a fat burner is to reduce the excess quantity of fat stored in the body. Looking for the best fat burner may not be easy as there are varieties of fat burning pills available in the market. These over the counter products promise amazing results in fat burning effect.

There is a huge list of fat burning diet pills. To name a few are Ephedra, HCA, Caffeine containing pills, Yerba mat, Zingseng, Gurana , Fenfluramine and Pyruvate. Ephedra is said to be very effective in reducing excess fat. But due to its side effects it has been partially banned by the Federal Diet Association in America. There are examples when the regular consumption of Ephedra pills may has developed heart complications. According to medical reports chances of heart attacks and heart failures are likely to increase due to Ephedra. Caffeine containing product also has considerable fat burning effect as it increases the body metabolism resulting in burning of calories. One such product is Gingseng. It reduces the level of Cortisol, hormone responsible for appetite. HCA made from the extract of Garcinia Cambogia is also an appetite suppressant. Its purified form is Hydroxycitric acid which lowers blood sugar and helps reduce fat. Diet pills containing the ingredients of a chemical called Pyruvate. It helps digest glucose and stimulates metabolism resulting in fat burning.

Fenfluramine is also a fat burning pill but has been banned in America. It has been found to damage hearts and so is no longer allowed to sell. Fat burning diet pills containing Yerba mate ingredients also aids weight reduction. Yerba mate is a plant found in Brazil. It contains spanosis that has profound effect in weight loss.

These appetite suppressant pill industries are highly irregular and unauthorized. They are not what they claim actually. That is why there are reports of negative side effects of the fat burning pills across the globe. Dieters feel headache and nervousness with regular use of these pills. Heart palpitations and nose bleeding are some common side effects of the fat burners. Among the diet suppressant pills Hoodia Pills are said to have minimum side effects. Thus as of now Hoodia pill may be said to be the best fat burner.

You can buy Yerba Diet here


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in the suitcase. fella in portland. maine.
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Kestra's weblog

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